

Enzo Fittipaldi

Firstname: Enzo
Lastname: Fittipaldi
Age: 23
Born on: 18-07-2001
Nationality: Brazilian
Country of Birth: Brazil
Country of License: Brazil
Also known as: Enzo Fittipaldi da Cruz

Enzo Fittipaldi was born on 18-07-2001 in Brazil and currently has the age of 23 . He is racing with a license from Brazil. Enzo Fittipaldi is a brother of Pietro Fittipaldi. Enzo Fittipaldi is the grandson of Emerson Fittipaldi. He competed in 106 races (#877 in the world) in 12 championships in 6 competitions. He has won 8 races (# 556 in the world) in his career.

The numbers...


Participated in 167 events (Ranking: #877) and won 8 events (Ranking #556)

Triple Crown

Driver has not won any races for the triple crown.


Won Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli at the age of 16 and won Round 1 at the age of 23

Career timeline:

Competed in:

Year Result Team Championship Racing Class
2024 Van Amersfoort Racing
(Employed between: 29-02-2024 - 23-06-2024)
Formula 2 2024Formula 2
2023 Carlin
(Employed between: 03-03-2023 - 02-07-2023)
Formula 2 2023Formula 2
2023 Carlin
(Employed between: 07-07-2023 - 03-09-2023)
Formula 2 2023Formula 2
2023 Carlin
(Employed between: 24-11-2023 - 26-11-2023)
Formula 2 2023Formula 2
2022 Charouz Racing System
(Employed between: 18-03-2022 - 10-07-2022)
Formula 2 2022Formula 2
2022 Charouz Racing System
(Employed between: 22-07-2022 - 11-09-2022)
Formula 2 2022Formula 2
2021 RP Motorsport USA (RP Motorsport)
(Employed between: 15-04-2021 - 25-04-2021)
Indy Pro 2000 Championship 2021Single Seater
2021 RP Motorsport USA (RP Motorsport)
(Employed between: 15-04-2021 - 25-04-2021)
USF Pro 2000 Championship 2021Single Seater
2021 Charouz Racing System
(Employed between: 07-05-2021 - 05-12-2021)
Formula 2 2021Formula 2
2021 Charouz Racing System
(Employed between: 07-05-2021 - 05-12-2021)
Formula 3 2021Formula 3
2020 HWA Team
(Employed between: 03-07-2020 - 13-09-2020)
Formula 3 2020Formula 3
2018 Prema Powerteam
(Employed between: 31-03-2017 - 28-10-2018)
ADAC Formula 4 2018Formula 4
2018 Prema Powerteam
(Employed between: 31-03-2017 - 28-10-2018)
Formula 4 Italian Championship 2018Formula 4
2017 Prema Powerteam
(Employed between: 31-03-2017 - 28-10-2018)
ADAC Formula 4 2017Formula 4
2017 Prema Powerteam
(Employed between: 31-03-2017 - 28-10-2018)
Formula 4 Italian Championship 2017Formula 4

Participated in other events:

Date Event Track Racing Class Country
17-11-2019Formula 3 Grand Prix of Macau 2019Macau GuiaFormula 3Macao

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