Firstname: Emerson
Lastname: Fittipaldi
Age: 78
Born on: 12-12-1946
Nationality: Brazilian
Country of Birth: Brazil
Country of License: Brazil
Also known as:
Emerson Fittipaldi
Emerson Fittipaldi was born on 12-12-1946 in Brazil and currently has the age of 78 . He is racing with a license from Brazil. Emerson Fittipaldi is a brother of Wilson Fittipaldi. Emerson Fittipaldi is the grandparent of Pietro Fittipaldi. Emerson Fittipaldi is the grandparent of Enzo Fittipaldi. Emerson Fittipaldi is an uncle of Christian Fittipaldi. Emerson Fittipaldi is a son-in-law of Max Papis. He competed in 440 races (#163 in the world) in 43 championships in 5 competitions. He has won 18 races (# 245 in the world) in his career.
The numbers...
Participated in 422 events (Ranking: #163) and won 18 events (Ranking #245)
Triple Crown
- 24 Hours of Le Mans won at 16-06-2019
- 1994 Indianapolis 500 won at 29-05-1994
- 1980 Monaco Grand Prix won at 18-05-1980
Won 1970 South African Grand Prix at the age of 23 and won 1996 Budweiser / G.I. Joe's 200 Pres. by Texaco at the age of 50
Career timeline:
Competed in:
Year | Result | Team | Championship | Racing Class |
2018 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2018 | GTE Am | |
2017 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2017 | GTE Am | |
2016 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2016 | GTE Am | |
2015 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2015 | GTE Am | |
2014 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2014 | GTE Am | |
2013 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2013 | GTE Am | |
2012 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | World Endurance Championship 2012 | GTE Am | |
2011 | AF Corse (Employed between: 28-11-2014 - 30-11-2014) | European Le Mans Series 2011 | GTE Am | |
1996 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 03-03-1996 - 28-07-1996) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1996 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1995 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 05-03-1995 - 10-09-1995) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1995 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1994 | 17 (20 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 01-04-1984 - 26-05-1985) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1994 | Champ Car |
1994 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 20-03-1994 - 09-10-1994) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1994 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1993 | 1 (1000 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 26-05-1985 - 31-05-1986) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1993 | Champ Car |
1993 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 21-03-1993 - 03-10-1993) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1993 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1992 | 24 (15 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 13-04-1986 - 24-05-1987) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1992 | Champ Car |
1992 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 22-03-1992 - 18-10-1992) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1992 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1991 | 11 (100 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 12-04-1987 - 29-05-1988) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1991 | Champ Car |
1991 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 17-03-1991 - 20-10-1991) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1991 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1990 | 3 (700 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 10-04-1988 - 15-10-1989) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1990 | Champ Car |
1990 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 08-04-1990 - 21-10-1990) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1990 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1989 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 10-04-1988 - 15-10-1989) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1989 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1989 | 1 (1000 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 10-04-1988 - 15-10-1989) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1989 | Champ Car |
1988 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 12-04-1987 - 29-05-1988) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1988 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1988 | 2 (800 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 12-04-1987 - 29-05-1988) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1988 | Champ Car |
1988 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 10-04-1988 - 15-10-1989) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1988 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1987 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 13-04-1986 - 24-05-1987) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1987 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1987 | 16 (25 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 13-04-1986 - 24-05-1987) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1987 | Champ Car |
1987 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 12-04-1987 - 29-05-1988) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1987 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1986 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 26-05-1985 - 31-05-1986) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1986 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1986 | 7 (300 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 26-05-1985 - 31-05-1986) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1986 | Champ Car |
1986 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 13-04-1986 - 24-05-1987) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1986 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1985 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 01-04-1984 - 26-05-1985) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1985 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1985 | 12 (25 Pts) | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 01-04-1984 - 26-05-1985) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1985 | Champ Car |
1985 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 26-05-1985 - 31-05-1986) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1985 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1984 | Privateer - Brazil (Employed between: 01-04-1984 - 26-05-1985) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1984 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1984 | California Cooler (Employed between: 01-07-1984 - 08-07-1984) | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) 1984 | Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) | |
1983 | 37 (5 Pts) | GTS Racing (GTS Motorsports) (Employed between: 27-05-1984 - 27-05-1984) | USAC Gold Crown Series 1983 | Champ Car |
1980 | 16 (5 Pts) | Fittipaldi Automotive (Employed between: 25-01-1976 - 05-10-1980) | Formula 1 1980 | Formula One |
1979 | 21 (1 Pts) | Fittipaldi Automotive (Employed between: 25-01-1976 - 05-10-1980) | Formula 1 1979 | Formula One |
1978 | 9 (17 Pts) | Fittipaldi Automotive (Employed between: 25-01-1976 - 05-10-1980) | Formula 1 1978 | Formula One |
1977 | 12 (11 Pts) | Fittipaldi Automotive (Employed between: 25-01-1976 - 05-10-1980) | Formula 1 1977 | Formula One |
1976 | 17 (3 Pts) | Fittipaldi Automotive (Employed between: 25-01-1976 - 05-10-1980) | Formula 1 1976 | Formula One |
1975 | 4 (45 Pts) | McLaren Formula 1 Team (Employed between: 13-01-1974 - 05-10-1975) | Formula 1 1975 | Formula One |
1974 | 1 (55 Pts) | McLaren Formula 1 Team (Employed between: 13-01-1974 - 05-10-1975) | Formula 1 1974 | Formula One |
1973 | 2 (55 Pts) | Lotus Formula 1 Team (Employed between: 18-07-1970 - 07-10-1973) | Formula 1 1973 | Formula One |
1972 | 1 (61 Pts) | Lotus Formula 1 Team (Employed between: 18-07-1970 - 07-10-1973) | Formula 1 1972 | Formula One |
1971 | 6 (16 Pts) | Lotus Formula 1 Team (Employed between: 18-07-1970 - 07-10-1973) | Formula 1 1971 | Formula One |
1970 | 10 (12 Pts) | Lotus Formula 1 Team (Employed between: 18-07-1970 - 07-10-1973) | Formula 1 1970 | Formula One |
Participated in other events:
Published books:
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